High school seniors and current college students who live in Williamson County are encouraged to apply for a scholarship to be awarded by Leadership Franklin. The non-profit organization will award one $1,500 scholarship to a student who meets the scholarship criteria.

Be sure to read these instructions carefully before completing the requested information. If you have any questions, please contact Paula Harris at leadershipfranklintn@gmail.com.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: The deadline to apply for consideration is 12p.m. CT on Friday, March 21, 2025. All items must be submitted and emailed by that time. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications are now closed. Wishing all students in Williamson County the very best!

SELECTION PROCESS: Please note, this scholarship will be sent directly to your college or university of choice. We will not be able to award the scholarship until you’ve chosen which school you will attend.

  • Scholarships are awarded based on a scoring process of scholarship application points: a combination of strength and quality of the essay, school extra-curricular activities including sports and community outreach, and grade point average.

  • Scholarships are for both high school seniors and current college students residing in Williamson County.

  • A minimum 3.25 GPA (cumulative) is required.

The following items must be submitted along with your Leadership Franklin Scholarship Application Form. The application is below. Please email the following information and any additional enclosures to paula.harris@leadershipfranklin.com in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.

  • Essay (500 total words): Answer BOTH of the following questions:

    • How have you been a leader or displayed leadership? (250 words)

    • Who is a non-family role model with whom you are acquainted who displays leadership in your life? (250 words)

  • An emailed letter of recommendation from a non-family member, i.e., sponsor, advisor, or school official.

EMAIL ENCLOSURES TO: paula.harris@leadershipfranklin.com. You will be contacted with confirmation only once your application package is complete.

LEADERSHIP FRANKLIN SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION - applications are now closed for 2025

This application must be filled out in one session.